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The Southbury
Historical Society
624 S Britain Rd
Southbury, CT 06488
The Southbury Historical Society, as a non-profit, relies on the generosity of its members to achieve its mission. Your membership ensures the Society can continue to provide research, exhibitions, and exciting public programs.
Student $10
Individual $15
Family $20
Patron $50
Corporation $150
Individual Life $150
Complete our printable Membership Application and mail with a check to:
Southbury Historical Society
PO Box 124
Southbury, CT 06488
Volunteers are vital to the Southbury Historical Society’s overall functioning and mission. Throughout the year the Society holds a series of programs and special events, which rely on volunteers. Programs include special exhibitions, lectures, period and military reenactments, tours and fundraisers. If you would like to volunteer your time to the Society, or you are considering us and would like more information, please Contact Us or call 203-405-3124.
Many generous Southbury Historical Society members are helping to ensure the future of the organization for many generations. You, too, can help by making a donation, a planned gift, a contribution to our Endowment Fund, a Memorial Gift, and even a restricted gift. For more information or to support a special project Contact Us or call 203-405-3124.
To donate, scroll down to the yellow button on the bottom of this page.
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