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There are many wonderful archival resources available online.  The links below are a few suggestions for expanding your research.  Please contact the SHS Archvist if there are other links you would like to share. 


  • Shadrach Osborn Papers, 1747 - 1848, YALE University Library

    • Correspondence and financial papers of Shadrach Osborn, a general merchant of Southbury, Connecticut, who was also active as a commissary during the Revolutionary War. Also included are the records of his business associate, Truman Hinman and his son, Erastus Osborn, who was sheriff of New Haven County. An account book for purchases from wholesale suppliers covers the period 1783-1792. The three letters in the papers are from Erastus Osborn. One dated 1812 describes a town-gown riot in New Haven, Connecticut and two written to his father in January 1824 report the discovery of a body stolen by Yale medical students from the West Haven, Connecticut burying ground.

  • Elisha Bradley Family Papers, 1790 - 1848, YALE University Library

    • Account books, deeds, and one letter from S. Hart, Jr. to Harriet Canfield, later the wife of Anson Bradley. The account book (1805-1806) was kept by Elisha Bradley in connection with his woolen business. The deeds reflect the transactions of Elisha Bradley and his son Anson in Southbury, Connecticut.

  • Fabrique Family Papers, 1771 - 1897, YALE University Library

    • Records of the Fabrique family on their emigration from Languedoc, France to Newtown, Conn. Included are account books, diaries, military records, genealogies and architectural plans for meeting houses at Southbury, Roxbury and Oxford, Conn. Also the papers of Charles Fabrique (1817-1889) containing his correspondence while at Yale College, diaries and account books.

  • Pierce Family Papers, 1898 - 1961, YALE University Library

    • The two principal figures in these papers are David French Pierce, a Congregational minister of Southbury, Conn. and his daughter, Anna Harriet Pierce. Included are manuscripts by David F. Pierce, recounting his visions. The papers of Anna H. Pierce, who was an artist, contain her reminiscences as an art student as well as programs of exhibitions and photographs of her paintings. Also included are memoirs of another daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of her life on a New England farm together with family photographs and other papers.

  • Grover Francis Papers, 1911 - 1969, YALE University Library

    • The papers of Grover Francis Powers contain correspondence, reports, writings, and a scrapbook. They document Powers' interest in mentally challenged children and involvement with the National Association for Retarded Children, the American Pediatric Society, and the Southbury Training School, as well as other organizations.

  • Alyce Batchelder Collection of George Grebenstchikoff, 1947 - 1967, YALE University Library

    • The papers in this collection document the work of Alyce Batchelder as well as the correspondence and writings of George Grebenstchikoff (in Russian, Georgii Grebenshchikov). Alyce Batchelder's correspondence documents her work as literary executor for the George Grebenstchikoff estate after Grebenschikoff's death. George Grebenstchikoff's papers include professional correspondence and a collection of Russian medals. Correspondents include Dmitri Alexandrow, Pearl S. Buck (letters related to the Russian writer Ivan Bunin), Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, George Sabo, Igor Sikorsky and Maurice J. and Lilli Swetland. The collection also contains a few early letters to George Grebenstchikoff's wife Tatiana that date from the years before her emigration to the United States. Realia in the collection include Russian military and religious medals.











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